'Kangoo Jumps® success story | Dennis Falkus | Denmark'

'Hi My name is Dennis Falkus and I am a Kangoo Jumps instructor…. I have also today run a 5k with my Kangoo jump boots. No problem and just 27 minutes…  My name is Dennis Falkus and the doctors have given me up…. I cannot even walk without massive painkillers and help to get out of the bed in the morning…  So what happen???  Well first, a special diet to get the build-up toxics out of the system. Then slowly starting to exercise but with:  -Arthritis in lower back and knees -Gout in fingers and elbows -Chronic Jumpers knees -Damaged cartilage in the knees -Broken kneecap -Scheuermann´s disease in upper back  I had a hard time to find a suitable training method. But in 2013 Noemi came to my gym and presented Kangoo Jumps. And honestly.. At first, I could not see myself in those booths. But when Noemi told the story behind the development of Kangoo Jumps.. Then I got curious and decided to try.  Was it good?? Yes indeed finally I found a training form that was:  Effective Gentle Fun  At the same time. I kept coming to the Kangoo classes for all 2013.  But why did I became an instructor??  Well for the 2014 season start, we had no available instructor so what to do then.  Yes, you guessed it rightJ  Now in 2015 I will start my 2. Year as an instructor and I have no plans for stopping…  “We Who Jump have more Fun”  Dennis..' 

See also: jak schudnac , cardio en casa , low , meg , back , tr , chest workout , beginner workout , fitness equipment , bodyweight training

